Promoting Youth Dialogue and Resilience Building Through Sports Initiative (PROYOSPORT initiative)
A1: Training of Trainers Workshop on using Sports and Leisure for Peacebuilding and Preventing Violent Extremism for IDPs and host communities.
This initiative primarily seeks to build social cohesion between and among IDPs from North West and southwest regions and host communities. The project which is implemented by Local Youth Corner Cameroon is supported by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) within the framework of the UN Global Programme on Security of Major Sporting Events, and the Promotion of Sport and its Values as a Tool to Prevent Violent Extremism.
For a period of 8 months, the PROYOSPORT initiative aims to build on sports and leisure activities as a key tool to provide safe spaces for dialogue, peer to peer learning and critical thinking, youth leadership, social cohesion, influence attitude, and life skills (teamwork, tolerance, respect) that can make these young people resilient to ideological exploitation and lure of extremist violence. This project was inspired by the growing animosity, stigmatization, hate, crime, and violence that IDPs and host community members are experiencing in Douala.
Our response to these challenges focuses on building the capacity of internally displaced youth and members of the host community (chiefs, religious leaders, administrative authorities, etc) on peacebuilding, citizenship, social cohesion, among others; organize three months sporting jamboree with the theme “We Play Together, We Di Glad Together”, To complement the efforts the project will engage in an evidence-based process to develop a National Technical Guide to Prevent Violent Extremism through Sport in Cameroon.
The 3 days capacity building activity trained 25 people from IDP and host communities on sports and leisure activities as key tools to provide safe spaces for dialogue, peer to peer learning and critical thinking, youth leadership, social cohesion, influence attitude, and life skills (teamwork, tolerance, respect) that can make these young people resilient to ideological exploitation and to the lure of extremist violence.
This training not only aims at strengthening capacity but also provides a platform for collaboration between and among young people, and engages them in interactive training modules such as common ground approach, leadership, conflict transformation, non-adversarial dialogue engagement techniques, non-violence. These young people are also trained on youth and gender sensitivity approaches, and sports in peacebuilding.
For more on the (PROYOSPORT initiative), Click here