Promoting Youth Dialogue and Resilience Building through Sports in Cameroon (PROYOSPORT initiative)

This is a youth-led initiative which seeks to partner and collaborate with our sporting role models in Cameroon and a host of others to inspire and prevent young people from involving in violent extremist acts and groups through capacity building for young people and community heads to enhance and facilitate use of skills and dailogue.
Main Obective:
This project seeks to build on sports and leisure activities as a key tool to provide safe spaces for dialogue, peer to peer learning and critical thinking, youth leadership, social cohesion, influence attitude and life skills (team work, tolerance, respect) that can make these young people resilient to ideological exploitation and lure of extremist violence.
Specific Objecives: It will equally inolve a sports Jamboree to create a platform for It specifically aims at Strengthening capacity and collaboration between and among young people from IDP and host communities in facilitating dialogues and transforming violent extremism, Strengthening the capacities of community leaders (traditional and religious), civil society actors, justice and security sector actors in the host communities in peace building and preventing violent extremism as well as establishing a community taskforce for sport as a tool to prevent violent extremism and provide a platform for social cohesion and dialogue through sporting jamboree.
Activity 1: 3 days Training of Trainers for youth IDPs and host communities on common group approach, peace building and preventing violent extremism.
Activity 2: Establish and train a community taskforce on sports as a tool to prevent violent extremism.
Activity 3: Organise annual Sporting Jamboree for peace and dialogue for IDPs and host community members.
Activity 4: Develop an evidence based research on using sports as a tool for preventing violent extremism in Cameroon (National Guide).
Expected Results
ER 1: Young people (IDP and host community members) have improved capacity on preventing violent extremism and the important role of sport .
ER 2.1: community leaders (traditional and religious), civil society actors, justice and security sector actors have improved capacity on Common ground approach, and accountability, dialogue and preventing violent extremism
ER.2.2: Creation of a joint community taskforce for sport as a tool to prevent violent extremism made up of young men and women, community leaders (traditional and religious), civil society actors, justice and security sector.
ER.3.1 Young IDPs and host communities have greater opportunities to collaborate, and build resilience through sports jamboree.
ER.3.2 Community members have access to opportunities for leisure, bonding and dialogue through sporting jamboree
ER 4.1: Young people and communities have improved access to information and knowledge on preventing violent extremism through sports in Cameroon through the evidence-based research
ER 4.2: Policymakers, government actors, and the public gain knowledge on the prevention of violent extremism through sports in Cameroon. Through partnership with Cameroon’s Ministry.