
Our ED, ACHALEKE CHRISTIAN LEKE features in the 2021 list of 100 Most Influential Young Africans

Our Executive Director Achaleke Christian Leke is honored to be named in the 2021 list of 100 Most Influential Young Africans by Avance Media. Achaleke’s 15 years of career in community and international development has been marked with selfless leadership and inspiring innovations and efforts towars building safe, secured and prosprous comuniy.

Born in 1990, Christian grew as a young volunteer for community development in 2007 in the city of Kumba. His experience of gowing in a violent community shaped his perspectives around his focus to build violent free communities with young people championing peaceful communities. From a teenage volunteer he has rown into lobally recognised peace building and inteational develpment expert. His journey from a volunteer to Executive Director within our organisation after 14 years of sevice remains a huge inspiration to many young people across the world.

Among his ground breaking efforts and leadership, we have been marked mostly by his leadership in transforming our organisation into one of the finest youth-led peace building organisation across the country and the world today. From 2014, when he took over leadership as the National Coordinator, we have grown from 1 to 25 staff working in field offices in 3 other regions across the country. Our annual impact has grown from 1000 to over 2 million people.

Click here to read more on Achaleke Christian.

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