STAR: Strengthening Trust and Relationships between Community, Security, and Justice Sector Actors for Improved Security in Far North Cameroon

The STAR Project is a youth-led initiative which seeks to pilot new initiatives for trust-building and collaboration on security among and between citizens, law enforcement, and justice sector actors within a target community, vulnerable to violent extremism in the Far North region of Cameroon. This is initiative is implemented in collaboration with Search for Common Ground with the generous support from the US State Department Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership. The project will run from November 2020 to November 2022
Project Theory of Change:
If law enforcement and justice sector actors have improved capacity to engage constructively and collaboratively with citizens on security challenges, including VE; and IF citizens have improved understanding of the security and justice sectors as well as platforms for regular dialogue and trust-building with law enforcement and justice sector actors; and IF these stakeholders are then empowered to jointly develop community security mechanisms, underpinned by newfound trust and mutual-accountability in one another; THEN overall community trust of and collaboration with law enforcement and justice sector actors will improve BECAUSE these stakeholders will benefit from a holistic approach to trust-building based on capacity building, dialogue, and collaborative action.
Objective 1: To create the conditions for improved understanding, collaboration, and communication among and between citizens, law enforcement, and justice sector actors.
- ER 1.1. Law enforcement, justice sector actors, and key community leaders and influencers have strengthened capacity to constructively communicate with and engage citizens on justice and security.
- ER 1.2. Improved platforms to build trust, facilitate constructive dialogue, and foster understanding among and between communities, law enforcement, and justice sector actors.
Objective 2: To strengthen joint collaboration among and between citizens, law enforcement, and justice sector actors on PVE and community security.
- ER 2.1 Joint community-level security mechanisms and protocols are developed and advanced by citizens, law enforcement, and local authorities.
- ER 2.2 Citizens have improved access to information on and positive examples of security, justice, and peace processes.
Project Activity
- Baseline Study, Quarterly Monitoring and Final Evaluation Study
- Common Ground Approach and Accountability Training and Dialogue for Law Enforcement and Justice Sector Actors
- Establish and Train a Community Peace and Security Taskforce of Influencers and Leaders
- Community Peace, Justice and Security Dialogues
- Bi-annual Football for Peace Tournaments and Dialogue between Law Enforcement and Communities
- Development of Joint Community Action Plans for Peace and Security
- Small Grants to Pilot Community Security Initiatives
- Youth-led Film Screenings for Communities