

  1. Introduction 

This youth coalition is a coalition of youth-led civil society which was created in response to the outbreak of COVID19 and its spread into Cameroon. This coalition is built on a voluntary basis and mobilizes youth organizations working on health response, community development, and sustainable development. This coalition was initiated by the Local Youth Corner Cameroon and is currently hosting the Rapid Response Laboratory which was set up for the project. The coalition and its work have been endorsed by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, The Ministry of Public Health, the United Nations Clinic in Cameroon, and the United Nations Development Program in Cameroon.


Tap into the expertise of member organizations to Mobilise 1000 young people to engage in the prevention of the spread of COVID 19 in vulnerable communities through the provision of preventive kits and sensitization.

Specific Objectives

  • Create a rapid response laboratory for the production of sanitizers
  • Work with vulnerable communities like an Internally displaced person, prisoners, women and youths to produce preventive materials(mask, soap)
  • sensitize communities about COVID-19 and preventive measures,
  • counter misinformation, hate speech, fake news and panic using the social media platform 
  • design and disperse messages of peace, social cohesion through door stickers and posters (E.g. Let’s unite to fight our common enemy COVID19, cease-fire so we prevent the spread of Corona Virus, etc.)  
  • provide psychosocial counselling and advice to individuals through a hotline call centre, send bulk SMS and Facebook platforms

Member Organisations

  • Local Youth Corner Cameroon

It is the host organization of the coalition It is a youth-led peace-building organization working for over 17 years in response to conflict emergencies and preventing conflict using a youth-led and interdisciplinary approach. They have a track record of implementing over 500 projects and working with several national and international donors and agencies. Their work has received national and international recognition. The organization is led by Mr. Achaleke Christian Leke who is also serving as the project coordinator of the coalition

  • Superior Health Foundation

Health Emergency response-based organization working on providing health emergency kits to conflict-affected communities in Cameroon. The organization based in the South West Region has a track record in producing and providing medical response kits to victims of the anglophone crisis trapped in hard-to-reach areas. The organization is led by Mr. Epie Marc Ndelle who is a Laboratory Scientist/ Researcher in drug discovery for the Pan-African ANDI Center of Excellence, University of Buea). Marc is the lead of our COVID19 Rapid Response Laboratory. 

  • Quality Health Care Clinic 

It is a health care provider clinic that is owned and run by a group of young people. The clinic provides affordable health care to underprivileged communities and provides free services to vulnerable children. The clinic equally provides health response training to young people. The clinic is headed by Miss Tanekeu Durance, a nurse by profession. She worked in the production process in our Rapid Response Laboratory.

4.) BodyTalk

BodyTalk is a community-based association whose aim is to educate women and young girls on positive body image, sexual and reproductive health and to promote women’s rights. It focuses on themes related to Body Image, Self-esteem, and Health. Using social media, It uses peer education and advocacy to mobilize its over 200 female members for community action and has impacted more than 2000 young people in Cameroon since its two years of existence.

The organization is headed by Dr. Ameaka Fatima who is a pharmacist by profession. Dr. Fatima serves as a psycho-social expert in the project and supports the lab in production and quality control.   www.bodytalkinternational.org

  • One Health Foundation 

Is a health-based organization that provides health support to a vulnerable community. it is made up of a group of health practitioners who voluntarily provide their expertise to respond to health emergencies. It is headed by Dr Kima Tanyi who is a Pharmacist. Kima supports the provision of training for sensitizers and also supports the Rapid response lab in production and quality control.

6.) Cameroon National Youth Council

The Cameroon National Youth Council is the governing body of all youth-led organizations in Cameroon. The Council is represented in all the cities and regions of the country. The National Youth Council supports the distribution and sensitization process in local communities across the country. It is led by Miss Fadimatou Iyawa.

7.) Research & Development Without Borders Cameroon

The organization was created in 2019 with the aim to promote closer collaboration between research and practice in the field of humanitarian work and to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and the uptake of research findings in order to achieve better health results. The organization is headed by Ngang Christian Fru a Water Sanitation and Hygiene Engineer/ Monitoring & Evaluation specialist. Christian is playing the pivotal role of a WASH and safety Expert in the “One Person One Hand Sanitizer Campaign”.

8) Springboard Foundation

Springboard Foundation is a registered non-profit organization in Cameroon that provides development opportunities for deprived children, youths, and the aged population through eradicating poverty, improving Health care, fostering community development, and ensuring prosperity for the underprivileged. These efforts contribute to the realization of the United  Nations sustainable development goals.

The organization invests in diligent efforts to create meaningful opportunities for the social and economic development of underprivileged persons and marginalized communities so that they gain dignity, equity, and self-confidence in life. It is Against this backdrop that Dr. Azaomo Michael (Medical Doctor) who is a member of the foundation joined the Operation as a volunteer and he is greatly contributing to Operation One Person One Hand Sanitizer. The other staff supporting this response are mobilized from the coalitions’ staff and volunteers.

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