Peace in the City Through Sports

With the influx of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon into the city of Douala due to the ongoing socio-political crisis, both IDPs and Host Communities have been finding ways to live together despite some of their cultural differences. To foster Peace and Social Cohesion, Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC) has set out to engage these IDPs and Host Community Members in a three-month Sports Jamboree using football, handball, basketball, and dance competitions.
To keep the cities on steam as the Sports Jamboree will run from June 24 to August 20, 2022, at the Lycee Polyvalent Bonaberi, through its esteemed media partnership with DASH Media, LOYOC has put a twenty (20) second visual spot on LED Screens in the cosmopolitan cities of Yaounde and Douala at strategic points. As seen in the picture above, this spot which is already up will run from June to August during which, the visuals will be updated as the tournament unfolds.
Through these three months of Sports Jamboree, LOYOC hopes to see more IDPs and Host Community Members of Douala collaborate more at different levels to enhance community development, inclusion, peace, and social cohesion.