Call for Dace Groups

The Project
LOYOC is calling on young group dancers to participate in a dance competition for the “NA
WE WE” Sports Jamboree under the theme “WE PLAY TOGETHER, WE DI GLAD
TOGETHER”. The dance competition will focus on using creative dance moves to convey
messages on social cohesion, respect, tolerance, and teamwork. The competition will comprise of six (06)
to eight (8) dance teams, each made up of boys and girls. Each team is compelled to include
IDPs and host community members in Douala. Guided by a team of judges, the dance groups will use both
contemporary, traditional or local dance moves.
Selection Requirements
Interested teams must meet the followig requirements
- Teams should consist of 6-8 dancers
- Teams should be made up of at least 40% Internally Displaced Persons and the rest Host community members
- Interested candidates should reside in Douala
- Interested candidates should be between the ages of 15-35.
The dance competition will unfold from June to August 2022 at Bonaberie Douala. Applications
must be submitted latest May 21st 2022.
How to apply
To apply, interested candidates (individuals or teams) are requested to contact
About Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC)
Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC) is a youth-led non-governmental organization working
on peacebuilding and community development. Our focus is on promoting the empowerment of
young people (male and female) in the domain of peacebuilding, as well as preventing and
countering violent extremism and sustainable development. As a youth-led organization, we
apply the Positive Youth Development Approach that strengthens the assets/skills, sense of
agency, opportunities for contributions thus, enablig a sustainable environment for young people.