Local Youth Corner’s LOYOC PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP FOR EMERGING YOUNG LEADERS Initiative sets a new page in the career of 13 new aspiring young professionals who have joined ourCALL FOR CONSULTANT
Position Summary Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC) is seeking a consultant to conduct a needs assessment, mapping and baseline survey in Cameroon on a project aimed at supporting youth-led civilCALL FOR TENDER FOR INTERPRETATION SERVICES.
CALL FOR TENDER FOR INTERPRETATION SERVICES. Tender reference: 2023-03 Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC) is looking for an interpretation company provider with experience in online interpretation through Zoom in English andCALL FOR TENDER: A FINANCIAL AUDITING FIRM
CALL FOR TENDER: A FINANCIAL AUDITING FIRM Tender Reference 2023-5 Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC) is looking for a qualified company or natural person specialised in auditing services to performOur Employees of the year, 2021
Every year, we acknowledge the passion, dedication and performance of every staff, as they contribute to achieving the objectives of the organization. This year, we honored two outstanding employees who
LOYOC Appoints NTUI OBEN OBI as the Pioneer Regional Manager of its New Regional Office in Buea, South West Region of Cameroon
Local Youth Corner Cameroon is delighted to announce the appointment of Ntui Oben Obi Agbor as Program Manager for LOYOC’s South West Office.