
Official Hand Over Home Made Hand Sanitizers to the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education

In our efforts to help our community and state to fight against the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we officially handed over our first batch of 4000 homemade hand sanitizers from our ‘Operation ONE Person ONE Hand Sanitizer’ to the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education. The handover ceremony held on Wednesday 1st April 2020 at the MINJEC Conference room located at Nlogkak.
This batch of hand sanitizers was our own little way to support our peers’ field outreach deployed in the neighborhoods by the National Youth Council, the Civic Service Conscripts, the Urban and Mobile Mass Animation Terms (EMAPUR), and Community Mediators.

The representative of the Minister of Public Health witnessed the proper handover ceremony of these free homemade hand sanitizers. In his address during this ceremony, he expressed his sincere appreciation for our youth-led rapid response to providing a solution to prevent the spread of COVID-19. He applauded the fact that while others are using this situation to make money out of it by increasing the prices of hand sanitizers, we have thought it wise to provide it for free to help our community.
‘‘I am confident to use and distribute these hand sanitizers today because our team inspected the production laboratory of Local Youth Corner and they also brought samples of their product and our experts tested the quality of the product and I am proud to tell you that it has been certified qualified for consumption’’ he said.

The Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education His Excellency Mounouna Foutsou was overwhelmed with the rapid response initiative. He applauded the professionalism in the production of the homemade hand sanitizers after he got the positive feedbacks from the Ministry of Health and was also impressed after he listened to the presentation of our medical care. The Minister officially donated it to youth mediators present for them to distribute in their localities. He sanitized his hands and those of the recipients to disinfect them before handing them over to avoid any contamination. ‘I am proud of these youths and I dedicate to accompany them in this great initiative so that the hand sanitizers can reach more people

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