
Employment Offer: Finance and Administration Officer; Communication and project Assistant and Web and Graphics Designer

Local Youth Corner Cameroon is currently looking for young people with a passion for peacebuilding and development and with competencies in Finance Administration, Project management, and Communication, who are based in MAROUA, and a Web and Graphics Designer who is based in YAOUNDÉ.

Nous offrons des opportunités d’expérience et recherchons actuellement des jeunes passionnés de la consolidation de la paix et de développement, possédant des compétences en administration et finance, gestion de projet et communication, basés à MAROUA, et un concepteur Web et graphique basé à YAOUNDÉ.

Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC) is a national, non-governmental, non-profit making, youth-led, and youth-centered organization working with young people to build peace and prevent youth radicalization, instrumentalization, and violent extremism. LOYOC seeks to build the young people, build peace and prevent youth radicalism and violent extremism through, training, peer-to-peer education, sports, policy recommendations, and research, etc and create an enabling environment for young people to exercise their full potentials.

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