Cameroon Government Awards Local Youth Corner Cameroon »Best Covid-19 Response Project in Cameroon »
During the commemoration of the International Youth day in Cameroon organized by the United Nations and presided by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, the Cameroonian Government awarded Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC) »Best COVID-19 Response Project in Cameroon ». The award was handed over to the National Coordinator Mr Achaleke Christian Leke on behalf of the organisation and the Cameroon Youth Coalition Against Covid-19 (About the Coalition ).

- Best Covid-19 youth led initiative award handed by The Minister of Women Empowerment and the Family to Local Youth Corner Cameroon
The award is an acknowledgement for the youth-led initiatives implemented by the organisation since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the nation. LOYOC in collaboration with health practionals, lab scientist, youths etc formed a Youth Coalition against the spread of COVID-19 by implementing the project »Operation ONE Person ONE Hand Sanitizer ». This campaign has donated over 50.000 homemade hand sanitizers and PPEs to communities across the nation. The Campaign did not leave out the less privilege like internally displaced people and inmates in prisons. This campaign as at now has touched the following regions; North West, South West, Far North, Centre, South and the other regions will benefit in the coming days. (About the Campaign)
LOYOC again set up the »We Connect Call Center » which is a Free trauma and counselling call center aimed at providing psycho-social assistance to people experiencing depression and trauma as an effect of the pandemic. The call center counsels those who are sick or have affected relatives or have lost anyone from the pandemic, those who are scared, those who have lost their businesses, career and other opportunities etc. (About We Connect Call Center)
The award was handed after UNESCO’s representative read the Director General’s message to youths. Local Youth Corner Cameroon was handed the first prize out of the nine youth-led initiatives that championed the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in Cameroon. The organization is grateful to all colleagues, the amazing youth organisations, partners, mentors, young volunteers and the medical team who are supporting the organisation serve their community by preventing the spread of Covid-19.