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Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant to the Executive Director LOYOC | PhD Candidate in Dystopia and Cross Cultural Studies | Passionate about Peace Building and Conflict Management | Committed to driving the organization’s vision forward

Mansuru Usmanu Mohmukwe is the Executive Assistant to the Executive Director, with a dedicated commitment to project and research for community development. He is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Yaoundé 1, specializing in Dystopia and cross cultural studies. Mansuru joined Local Youth Corner through the organization’s fellowship program in 2023, which trains young professionals by providing first-hand experience and develops hands-on skills in peacebuilding and development.

Mansuru has a dedicated commitment to project and research for community development. His support and efficiency in several of the organization’s activities in the program department earned him an appointment as the Executive Assistant. His close work with the Executive Director makes him a great intermediary between the ED and staff as well as other stakeholders. His commitment to this role facilitates and enhances the work environment and professional endeavors of the organization.


"Constructing our communities means creating safe spaces and encouraging collaborations between CSOs and stakeholders to support community violence reduction, combat misinformation and hate speech and support implementation of early warning and response mechanisms"
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