This is joint initiative to support women for inclusive reintegration in Cameroon, financed by the PBF within the framework of the GYPI, is being implemented jointly by the International Organization
Meet the Winners of the Stop Hate Speech on Social Media Video Contest 2022.
Local youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC) is pleased to announce the three successful winners of the “STOP HATE SPEECH ON SOCIAL MEDIA VIDEO CONTEST” funded by the European Union. It was
Local Youth Corner Cameroon in collaboration with Lionn Production and StrawAcademy is pleased to announce the call for submission of video for the STOP HATE SPEECH ON SOCIAL MEDIA VIDEOINTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY 2022
The International Day of Peace instituted by the United Nations resolution 36/37 in 1981 is celebrated worldwide. This day has been recognized by the General Assembly as a time toNa-We-We Sports Jamboree Officially Launched in Douala, Bonaberi
The euphoria that characterized the launching of the Na-We-We Sports Jamboree on Saturday, July 9, 2022, at the Lycee Polyvalent de Bonaberi, Douala was inestimable as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)Youth-led CSOs Empowered to Implement Gender Transformative Approaches.
As part of the Gender Transformative Approaches (GTA) Advocacy Agenda of UNOY, Local Youth Corner Cameroon organized and facilitated a 2-day capacity development workshop in Yaounde, Cameroon, supported by thePeace in the City Through Sports
With the influx of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon into the city of Douala due to the ongoing socio-political crisis, bothPeacebuilders Makers Space, a Salaam School Activity
While children are becoming even more vulnerable to recruitment into armed groups, in the Far North Region of Cameroon, we are forging a generation of children who will resist radicalizationLiving Together in Peace
As a Youth-led Organisation, One of our objectives at Local Youth Corner (LOYOC) is not just contributing to peacebuilding, but, ensuring that the communities we touch live together in peace.